New Member

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Jun 27 08:49:23 EDT 2003

Welcome, Dan.  I wouldn't worry about whether you can contribute
here.   I'm sure that as you learn the peculiarities    of the 200q20v
while dealing with the problems of your car, you will have plenty to add to
our general knowledge base here.   That, of course, is the goal of the
Audifans lists:  Sharing knowledge.

At 10:51 PM 06/26/2003 -0700, Dan Cordon wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm new to the 200 mailing list so I thought I'd give a quick
>introduction. I recently purchased a 91 200TQ, but also have a 87 5KCSTQ
>to play with. My 20V car has at least a hundred small problems, but I
>hope to work through them and end up with a nice driver in the end.
>As for my background, I'm not just an audi fan. I have several cars in
>various states of restoration/modification. Maybe I'm just a car hoe,
>but I'm okay with that. I run an engine test facility for the University
>of Idaho. Engines are my specialty, but I do lots with cars/motorcycles
>in general. I hope I'll be able to add value to the list. I'm still
>learning about audis though. :o)

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