the saga continues(pretty pictures, even)

Peter Schulz peschulz at
Mon Mar 17 11:48:57 EST 2003


Why would you want to disassemble the crank pulley from the harmonic balcancer???
and that said how do you know that the previous mechanic locktited them together unless he also disassembled the crank pulley/harmonic balancer?
Bentley/Audi says to removed the balancer/pulley as a unit...

Then you say "apparently the dealer/whoever did the 60k service used a cheap waterpump) and seal degradation(there's an
o-ring in there, somewhere.)"...You mean the "exmechanic" didn't change the waterpump when doing the timing belt?

Or am I missing something?


At 09:06 PM 3/14/2003 -0500, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>So I get off the T this afternoon and Eli's waiting("To the shop,
>Jeeves!"), and along the way he dispenses the good news/bad news.
>Good news is the t-belt is done, engine's happy.
>Bad news: the master cylinder is truly shot.  Big time.  So there
>goes my plan to drive the car home- pedal's on the floor and not
>coming back, which it apparently did when they went to bleed the
>front brakes to make sure it wasn't just air.
>This created a problem- mainly, no car, home = 30 minutes away.
>Kudos to the SRS guys( Eli offered right off the bat
>to drive me home, a good 30 minutes out of -his- way.  Friday night,
>had plans with his girlfriend; -that- is customer care, my friends.
>So back to the t-belt.
>Word to the wise- be CAREFUL with the crank pulley if yours gets
>stuck on.  It is a special order, $40+ part(!), and if your last
>mechanic was stupid enough to slather locktite all over the thing(my
>ex mechanic was; note the use of the word "ex"; as I said to the
>guys, "What the HELL did he do that for?  It's keyed.  It's trapped
>in place by the -other- pulley.  Was it -going- somewhere?
>Noooooo!"), it WILL break if you try and get it off.
>Hope you're all payin' attention, because this is known as "the money shot":
>That's -after- it was heavily bead-blasted, which is why you can't
>see green goo all over the inside.  You can still see remnants of the
>loctite on the inside surface; the area hidden to the camera is even
>Best title I can think of for this one is "Livin' on the Edge":
>And this, kids, is why you DO NOT USE Green Crap Coolant in your Audi:
>Note the extensive rusting(yes, apparently the dealer/whoever did the
>60k service used a cheap waterpump) and seal degradation(there's an
>o-ring in there, somewhere.)
>The saga may continue, but at least it has an end in sight.  I was
>right- I do have a toasted MC, and when they tried to bleed it,
>apparently, the pedal dropped to the floor- and never returned.  They
>pulled it off, and sure enough, corrosion all over the place(I'll
>have a picture monday.)  Car's getting flatbedded home(AAA saves the
>day?) where I'll do the MC change myself- I can get the parts
>cheaper, the labor's free, and it's an easy job.
>Nothing escapes Mr. Shine, and he discovered a curious setup;
>apparently, one of my previous mechanics(no, not the t-belt mechanic,
>yes, a supposed "Quattro God") decided when he "adjusted" my
>proportioning valve that it also needed a US-style hose clamp(!)
>somehow attached(he couldn't describe it, but the profanity indicated
>it was something truly Special.  The clamp is also enormous.)  Dick
>couldn't make heads or tails of it, so he ripped it off the car,
>discovered the valve was seized, and soaked it with some penatrating
>oil; we'll see on monday how it looks, if it's moving freely again or
>not.  Anyone know if they can be disassembled?
>"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
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Peter Schulz
1990 CQ
1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
Chelmsford, MA USA
peschulz at

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