Afterrun Cooling

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Tue Mar 18 11:46:47 EST 2003

I just did my radiator and before pulling it I trouble shot the afterrun
system as it did
not seem to come on when I would expect it. I also jumped the temp
switch to get it to run,
I replaced the switch while I had the radiator out( much easier ). I
tried letting the car idle until
 the fan comes on, then turning the car off to see if the afterrun pump
will come on in a bit, no luck.
I will watch it when it gets warmer. I live Nor. Calif. and we do not
get as cold as most of the listers.

Chuck Pierce
91 20v Avant Slowly getting sorted out

spsherm at wrote:

>I am still getting used to my 91 200 20v, but one
>thing I noticed is that after climbing a long hill
>(10mi) to my house, the 20v does not cycle the fan
>after shutting the engine off.  My 87 5000CS's
>would cycle for several minutes after this drive.
>I checked and shorted the leads to the afterrun
>sensor, and the fan comes on, so the wiring and
>relay appear to be fine.  I can of course replace
>that sensor, but thought I would check first.  Are
>the 200's just better cooled, or is it reasonable
>to expect a 200 to do the after run cycle as a
>5000 would?
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