Valve cover again

Steven Hauptmann hauptmanns at MAIL.LLR.STATE.SC.US
Thu Mar 20 08:54:04 EST 2003

The valve guide seals cannot be replaced without removing the valves, and
the valves come out of the bottom of the head.  This of course requires
removal of the head.

I personally would not move on to head removal unless my seals were shot.
It's a lot of additional work and requires removal of the intake and exhaust
manifolds and replacement of their gaskets, a head gasket and a set of head

Steve Hauptmann
South Carolina

-----Original Message-----
From: Scalmanini Steve [mailto:sscalmanini at]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:47 AM
To: 200q20v at
Subject: Valve cover again

While the topic of valve cover gaskets is still warm:
when the cover is already off to replace the gasket,
is that a good time to do the intake valve guide

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