UFO Rotors - $$

wolff at turboquattro.com wolff at turboquattro.com
Thu May 1 21:01:17 EDT 2003

I was able to successfully eliminate the pulsating by turning the rotors on
my 200. They had minimal runout. It was the removal of the rust that made
them stop pulsing.
"Nobody can forget the sound." - Michele Mouton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Mullane" <tmullane at snet.net>
To: "Bernie Benz" <b.benz at charter.net>
Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: UFO Rotors - $$

> Bernie,
> The current issue is not warpage, but rust.  Parts of the contact surface
> the rotor have rusted; or rather, it seems like the contact surface is too
> hard for water to penetrate, but it kind of gets "behind" the shiny,
> surface and causes a delamination of the rotor where parts actually flake
> off.  On the inboard side of the rotor, the pad contacts only a ring about
> an inch wide in the center of the contact area. This car sat for months at
> time in a Boston garage between uses, possibly the origin of this
> phenomenon.
> Thanks for the paper shim tip.  It may be useful it the new rotors have
> runout.
> Tom

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