20vt Header

Martin Pajak martin at quattro.ca
Thu May 8 21:21:31 EDT 2003

The header will be made with one piece flange.
The choice of keeping it as one piece or cutting the connections like you
suggest will be left to the owner.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Huw Powell [mailto:audi at humanspeakers.com]
> Sent: May 8, 2003 20:13
> To: Martin Pajak
> Cc: W-T_Audifans; Urq; 'SOS-cars'; S2central; Quattro List;
> Audi20V_Kruemmer; 200q20v
> Subject: Re: 20vt Header
> > Just wondering how many would be interested in my 20vt header.
> > Pics of the model are below.  Now I just have to find someone
> to build it.
> > This is designed to replace the stock manifold directly with no need for
> > custom downpipe and custom turbo oil and water pipes.
> >
> > Constructive critisism is most welcome.
> >
> > http://www.quattro.ca/Header.html
> Nice CAD work, Martin!
> One thought I had while looking at the drawings, is that it might make
> sense to *not* connect the five flanges (where it bolts to the head) to
> each other.  That way any warpage or dimensional changes under extreme
> heat would be confined to each individual pipe/flange, rather than
> perhaps magnified along the length of the whole assembly.
> --
> Huw Powell
> http://www.humanspeakers.com/audi
> http://www.humanthoughts.org/

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