Parking Brake Cable Adjust

Phil and Judy Rose pjrose at
Tue May 13 10:31:49 EDT 2003

At 8:09 PM -0700 5/12/03, DANIEL FORBING wrote:
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>Phil, The ebrake mechanism must index with the brake piston when the
>pedal is pushed after the basic setting (?)

I'm glad you have a question mark after that, because I'm not sure
what it means either. :-)
Your previous posting induced me to take a look at the the
proportioning valve setup on my car. It seemed to be set OK; I noted
in the Bentley that the proportioning valves phased in during "later
production" are meant to be set with a 9mm (approx 11/32"-3/8")
spacing, rather than 7 mm. Since our cars are at the tail-end of the
model years covered in that manual, I assume the 9mm spec applies to
us (or at least the later build dates in our model), and in fact that
was the setting I found.

>  Anyway, on returning from a short trip Sunday night I smelled hot
>brake material and, sure enough, I had been dragging the rear pads
>around. Tonite I was able to get back under the car to find that the
>cams were not totally returning to their stops. I worked them back
>and forth with WD-40 and a bar without much success. Next I'll try
>the Ford springs and then either rebuild or buy new calipers.

That may do it, although I'd  recommend you first verify that the
brake cables are in good condition. A few years ago I started to have
problems with  incomplete release of the ebrake --they dragged and
then would fully release after driving a few miles. I asked the
technician to verify the condition of the cables. He reported the
cables "seem to be OK". So, I decided to replace the rear calipers
(with new, not rebuilt) and discovered that there was little or no
improvement in the ebrake release. Now I will replace the cables
(much cheaper than calipers), as I should have done to begin with.

BTW, please let us know if you locate a source for the Ford springs.


>  In the meantime the crowbar and flashlight will go into the trunk
>in case I actually need to set the ebrake here in fairly flat
>Northertn Indiana. Thanks to you and the other listers for the help.
>Dan Forbing
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at       *

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