Alignment problem

David Head v8q at
Thu May 22 16:07:36 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
For one thing, I was replying to someone's alignment issue, and a way to
solve the problem. The 92 strut mounting plates, strut mounts and
products available to correct camber problems are fully backward
compatible with all earlier models including the 200q20V.

As usual, your use of the English language is only designed to inflame
and has no basis in fact. A tout receives compensation for hawking a
product or guiding people to shop in a certain location. I do not. I
also don't attempt to sell my own products as other people do...

And if your next question is why am I on the 20V list - number one, its
none of your business, and two buy a V8 and maybe you'll find out.

Bernie Benz wrote:

>David, David.
>I just noticed, so why are you touting your V8 camber mods on the 200-20V
>list, especially when they are not relevant to the 200?  In the 44 chassis,
>the Igor upper strut mounting plate mod has exactly the same interference
>limitations in camber adjustment as does slotting the cam tower.
>>From: David Head <v8q at>
>>Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 23:27:09 -0400
>>To: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
>>Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
>>Subject: Re: Alignment problem
>>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>>As usual Bernie, you speak without knowing, and are incorrect. Indeed -
>>I wouldn't be surprised to find your eyes are brown.
>>92 up strut mounting plates and the and the camber adjustment are
>>redesigned. The ECS strut mount plate and their redesigned spring perch
>>allow double the adjustment you speak of, and at the same time equalize
>>the preload on the spring. My 92 had the exact mod you describe
>>performed by no less than John Buffam a few years back, and it wasn't
>>enough. We even verified during the first try at alignment that the
>>stock plate was at its full travel out and had nowhere else to go.
>>It now has perfect alignment - and that is exactly in the center of the
>>allowable alignment travel with the new plates.
>>The 2Bennett plates are an even more elegant solution - but also must be
>>used with the redesigned 92 plates specifically because of the larger
>>center hole. Based on a Ford Mustang racing design it not only allows
>>dramatically increased camber correction, but can also adjust caster. I
>>didn't go with this design because of the increased cost and failure to
>>correct the preload issue.
>>Unlike you, I fully investigate and research what I am going to do with
>>my cars. You decide how it should be done, lock in and harangue everyone
>>to do it your way. Got ahead and hack your car - Not interested.
>>Bernie Benz wrote:
>>>You are perpetuating a fat wallet myth, also aiding and abetting those
>>>questionable firms you mentioned who are, among other things, selling rip
>>>off "camber plates"!
>>>The Audi camber adjustment moves the top of the strut within the upper fixed
>>>upper strut mounting plate, without moving this plate, by means of a slotted
>>>camber plate bolted thereto.  This camber plate includes the rubber isolator
>>>and its movement can not be further extended without strut interference with
>>>the internals of the upper spring perch and strut tower.
>>>These rip off aftermarket "camber plates" that you tout are not camber
>>>plates by the above description.  They are redesigned upper strut mounting
>>>plates, which allow movement of the whole top of the strut/spring assembly,
>>>not just the strut within the spring.
>>>None of these rip-off "camber plates", regardless of design, can move the
>>>strut assembly beyond its point of interference between the top spring perch
>>>and the sturt tower.  This movement is limited to about <1/4", which is
>>>easily achieved using the stock upper strut mounting plate by slotting the
>>>mounting holes in the strut tower in this amount.  This can be done in situ,
>>>by dropping the strut assy, several inches and filing the tower holes in the
>>>outward direction.  BTDT.
>>>>From: David Head <v8q at>
>>>>Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 20:00:58 -0400
>>>>To: Steven Hauptmann <hauptmanns at>
>>>>Cc: "200q20v List (E-mail)" <200q20v at>
>>>>Subject: Re: Alignment problem
>>>>This is right at normal for a lowered car. You can do ECS camber plates
>>>>for about 325.00, 2Bennett plates at 500.00, or the Igor mod at time
>>>>plus bucks and access to equipment. For some reason the driver's side is
>>>>always worse.
>>>>After installing the ECS plates on my 92 V8 (Eibach/Bilstein) the
>>>>alignment came in spot on - my 90 V8 (H&R/Bilstein) has always been out
>>>>-1.2 and -.5... It will get them next...
>>200q20v mailing list
>>200q20v at


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