Alignment problem

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Thu May 22 18:05:30 EDT 2003


First, I wonder what a 1.5" drop in static ride height did to the car's bump

Second, IMO Audi's tolerence allowence on a nominal camber and toe
adjustment are excessive, designed for compatibility with today's alignment
machines and the intel level of the monkies that run them.  Side to side
camber difference should approach zero, as close as possible.  For street
and cruising, if you want max tire life go for a nominal zero camber and
toe.  Normal drive torque will result in a very slight negative toe.  For
track use go for a more negative camber, at the tradeoff expense of tire

I have never heard of nor tried to move a subframe, but aagree that, if
possible, it could equalize the side differences  in possible camber
adjustment.  I have moved an engine on a subframe to align it with the rear
end, so would expect that the former is possible also.

> From: "motogo1" <motogo1 at>
> Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 16:34:28 -0400
> To: "Audi 200" <200q20v at>
> Subject: Re: Alignment problem
> Just the facts ma'm, as Joe Friday used to say.
> I just lowered my 200 Avant with H&R (1.5" drop). I slotted only 1
> camber plate cause the other had plenty of slot left for adjustment. Had it
> aligned today at an Audi dealer. Computer printout is -.92 and -.90 degrees
> negative camber. Spec is 0 to -1 degree.
> On my S4, lowered with Eibachs, slotting both camber plates, resulted
> in -1 degree 04' and 1 degree 14'. Spec is -05' to -1 degree 5'.  So one
> side is slightly out of spec.  Both cars are a little heavy on negative
> camber. And the struts won't move any farther because of interference.
> A friend with an S4 was at the same shop today, with ECS camber plates,
> and his negative camber was at -.8 and -.78 They told him that was the MOST
> negative camber they could get. So those plates must do something. But
> slotting will work, if you want to run a little negative (no pun intended!)
> Also, on the S4, the subframe can be moved a bit (1/4 inch) from side to
> side to even out the adjustment. They did it on my friends S4. I don't know
> if this is possible on the 200.
> Gary Martin
> 94 UrS4
> 91 200 TQA
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