Part Number Help??

David Head v8q at
Fri May 30 00:46:40 EDT 2003

What happens here - as with all of the crimped hydraulic hose fittings
is the the rubber shrinks and hardens so the crimp looses its
effectiveness. You can do the hose clamp repair on all of the low
pressure fittings. I wouldn't recommend it on the high pressure side...

DAK wrote:

> Right, that is something that can be fixed. that "cap" as you call it is
> really the crimp. You'd remove that crimp altogether and replace it with
> either a hose clamp (as Bernie suggests) or take it to a local hydraulic
> shop and they'd put a new crip on (along with about 2 bucks worth of
> hose).
> This was the problem with my suction hose. My rack to resevoir hose also
> spun freely, but didn't leak yet... still, while I was in there...
> David

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