Freon to R134

Peter Schulz peschulz at
Fri May 30 10:02:48 EDT 2003


Find another AC place.

Northern European Automotive ( converted my grey Avant to R134.
They vacuumed the system, replaced an external temp sensor in the plenum, and added the correct R134 friendly oil and of course R134....

No replacement of the receiver/dryer, etc.

This was done 6 months ago.  The CC blows air that is much colder than it ever has been in my indigo avant, even after that car had a refill of $$$ R12.



At 09:30 PM 5/29/2003 -0700, Greg Johnson wrote:
>Hope I have the code number correct.  Have any of you upgraded from
>Freon to R134.  If so, what did cost and how is it working?
>I spoke to an AC place today and they indicated that if you have climate
>control (we do) you might not want to upgrade.  I'm not entirely sure
>what the guy was trying to relate, but he mentioned something to the
>effect that there's a sensor on the compressor, and that if it the
>sensor did or did not do something that R134 might not have enough
>hutzpah to cool the system the way freon does.  Anyone know what the
>heck he's talking about?
>TIA for collective help and wisdom.
>Greg J
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at

Peter Schulz
1990 CQ (awaiting S2 3b engine transplant)
1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
Chelmsford, MA USA
peschulz at

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