No subject

Thu Nov 20 15:09:11 EST 2003

"Bigger turbos will produce more power with less boost, this is a function
of lower intake temps and higher rates of CFM"

How can you increase cfm in a non-variable volume without increasing
pressure/boost?  I can see how a non-turbulent, laminar flow would increase
intake temperatures at a slower rate than a thresshing turbine/non-laminar
flow, and hence the lower intake temperature, but I don't understand how
less boost can give more CFM given the volumetric constraints.  Sure,
turbulence is going to be a loss in energy with a result in increased
temperature.  However, would the pressence of turbulence actually increase
the pressure?  If anything, it seems turbulence would increase pressure on a
micro scale, but not the macro scale (ie by the turbo, but not futher up the
intake path), and hence over the system, averaged as a whole, there would be
no net increase in "boost."  Or is this a case of a chain and it's weakest
link; ie the place with the highest localized pressure (a venturi?) will
limit the overall pressure/flow of the system?  If so, then boost would be
lowered as would flow.  Am I mincing words?

As a typical DP aside, also notided when I was at the Smithsonian that
"pumps" used on rockets look an awful lot like turbos.  "What is the deal
with that?"

Derek P

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 16:08:14 -0700
Subject: Re: MTM chip
From: Bernie Benz <b.m.benz at>
To: <t44tq at>
Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>

Taka,  would you go thru that rational again, maybe in a little more detail
and with some justification.


>From: t44tq at
>I don't think the Talladega car ran very high boost- did you
>see that monster turbo? You don't need 28psi of boost when you're
>running a K29.

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