Wheel/Tire Combo ?

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 27 08:09:18 EST 2003

I am running the late 90's 5 spoke A4 sport package rims on one of my 200s
215 50 16 rubber and g60's, 45mm offset no problems.  I think these rims are 
almost the same weight wise as the BBS.  I have bought spacers to push the 
wheels back where they were because I found a good deal on used ones.
I basically liked the rims better and the choice/price of 16" tires made it 
an even easier choice.

Subject: Wheel/Tire Combo ?
To: "200q20v List" <>

I have recently been given access to a set of 16" A4 7-point sport package
wheels.  I researched the archives and my consensus is that, in fact, these
wheels with whatever offset they have, will bolt up to a G60'd 200 without 
of spacers.  {Anyone want to verify that statement, again...not to rehash 

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