O2 sensor breakin?

Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at comcast.net
Sun Nov 30 12:16:24 EST 2003

The ECU may take a bit to adjust, but there is no breaking in the O2 sensor.
Have you replaced the fuel pressure regulator?  How do all the plugs look?
Possible leaky injector?  Does the car reach operating temp or is it
consistently read lower than normal (suspect stuck thermostat).  You really
shouldn't smell any fuel in the oil.

Just a few items I'd check.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Del Tergo" <mdeltergo at hotmail.com>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 11:17 AM
Subject: O2 sensor breakin?

> I just swapped out my O2 sensor after having a bout of poor mileage (23
> highway) and pulling codes (confirmed O2 probalem).  I had replaced it 5
> months back with a general tune up, but after I replaced all vacuum lines
> and other gremlins, I assume I fouled it.  IN went the new and my mileage
> barely went up .5 MPG, again all highway.  Is there a breakin period for
> O2's?  My first tank or 2 with the car I did get 27+.  I also get 27 on my
> other avant wth twice the total miles.  No mods etc, same gas.  Oil smells
> more like gas than I would like and oil consumption was up a bit.  I
> I was/am running somewhat rich and cutting the oil a bit with too much
> Any BTDT's welcome.
> Mike
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