Airbox question.
Matt twentyV
matt_20v at
Sun Sep 7 12:53:26 EDT 2003
To remove the air filter you have to pop the 3 or
4 clips that hold the upper and lower halfs together.
Kindof difficult to access and get leverage (long
screwdriver is best) but once off the upper half
lifts away.
--- SuffolkD at wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> So I decided to change the air filter.
> How hard could it be?
> Nice instructions in the owners manual AND the
> Bentley:
> "Take it to the dealer." Yeah right.
> So I found the hidden slotted screw and proceed to
> take it out.
> Actually, two of us torqued the hell out of it and
> with the correct blade
> screw driver & never slipped. BUT WE stretched the
> bolt and snapped the head
> off.
> So now I'm interested in trying to figure out if the
> back of the air box
> (towards the firewall)
> is supposed to have a clip to hold it together.
> IF IT IS supposed to have one like the two on the
> front of the airbox, where
> can I get one?
> And why should a bolt into brass threads set in
> plastic sieze? Different
> metals?
> (I forget the term to describe the different metals
> corrosion.)
> TIA -Scott in BOSTON
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