Throttle position sensor/circuitry checking w/resp. to poor fuel econ.
benswann at
benswann at
Wed Sep 10 20:03:36 EDT 2003
What you described is among the tests I have performed - basically by the book.
The manual tests also include voltages at the connector which goes to the TPS -
these are in question, not the TPS itself.
> I think it should be easier. Also I think whenever there's a possibility that
> there's fault, it should be tested, b/c working on older cars is just a process
> of elimination, especially when looking for subtle problems in complicated
> systems. I would also check out the TPS. You never know, maybe some carbon may
> have broken free from the internals, which would cause an uneven resistance at
> certain changes in position. All you have to do is hook the TPS to a voltmeter
> and make sure the wiper pin of the TPS has voltage that goes up and down
> smoothly as you open/close the throttle. I would think the Bentley is right.
> There must be some flow diagram or some fixes to try...
> -Ameer
> ---Original Message---
> From: Matt twentyV <matt_20v at>
> Date: 9/9/03 7:44:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Throttle position sensor/circuitry checking w/resp. to poor fuel
> econ.
> > I was going to run a parallel wire outside the
> > harness just for a check. I
> > betting well have the same voltage - maybe not. I
> > don't think it is wiring.
> > It is like 3.5 V comingdirectly out of ECU rather
> > than expected 5V.
> Wouldn't it be much simpler to just use an ohmmeter
> to check resistance between the TPS and ECU
> connector?
> Matt
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