Audi 4000 Turbo Conversion (long)

ed armstrong edshred2000 at
Wed Sep 10 14:54:40 EDT 2003


I've spent about 5K on my turbo project which included
the price of a 1988 90q at 1.5K. The largest single
ticket item for my project was $600 for a new set of
pistons, but I think the minumum cost for an MC
conversion is about 1-2K depending on how much of the
engine/car you refurbish. Going the 3B route will
probably double your costs because of the higher costs
for the motor and related parts.

--- Pedro Faria <quattrocs at> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I'm considering a turbo conversion on 4kq. I would
> like to know what are the
> pro's and con's of each setup, KH, MC (1 or 2), 3B.
> I'm tending more to the
> 3B, but information is the most important thing so
> before I start I would
> like some opinions.
> Vehicle current status
> New 90q leather interior and currently swiching
> dented panels and doors for
> preliminary single color paint job, getting h1/h4
> lights from germany used
> (2nd set), getting windows tinted to 20% all around,
> and installing a 91
> coupe glass sunroof. 4 corner 2bennet coil over,
> eibach and koni
> adjustables.
> I have read and browsed extensively, Javad, Jim
> Green, Nate's and other
> websites that have done conversions and I read
> 70-80% of everything, I just
> need to finish up the reading.
> One of my questions in particular to Javad, Nate and
> Jim is how much money
> round figure did you guys spend until this point,
> Money to me is a certain
> liability, I just got married and there are other
> things to consider. I'm
> more worried on long term, rather than short term.
> 2. which engine is the best setup - out of the box -
> 3. most easily tuned
> 4. peak hp tuning possibility in each one.
> 5. clutch and flywheel options
> 6. if there is anything else that you think might be
> valuable to me
> in the first stage I did not want to spend more than
> $5,000 in materials and
> tools, not counting my time of course.
> I know it might be unfair, but I would like to learn
> from everyone's
> experience, so that it could be easier for me, I'm
> willing to recompense to
> a certain extent everyone that helps. I have a big
> house with a decent back
> yard so get togethers are not a problem.
> I thank everyone in advance I'm not expecting
> answers at lighting speed, I
> thank everyone that will take time and share wisdom
> with me.
> Pedro Faria
> Roselle, New Jersey
> 4kq - getting a facelift
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