Driveshaft fit

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Thu Sep 11 14:09:51 EDT 2003

> From: Phil Rose <pjrose at>
> The driveshaft, IIRC, is a special lightweight unit made of carbon
> fibre and unique for the '91 200q (naturally).
Not true, to my knowledge.  Not unique to the 200-20V, mine is steel, and
some 90Qs and CQs had carbon.


> As to the noise--could
> it be from the driveshaft's center bearing which is sometimes found
> to be in need of replacement? I don't know the symptoms (sound) of a
> bad bearing--others can comment on that. I believe a replacement
> bearing is available by using a modified M-B part.
> What about the U-joint?
> Phil

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