clicking radiator fan relay
Joseph Yakubik
JYakubik at
Sun Sep 14 22:10:23 EDT 2003
It's the 3B motor.
I 'fixed' the problem by using contact cleaner on the after-run relay. I
disassembled the tall brown relay, cleaned up the mini-circuit board, and
the chattering stopped (there was no charring/blown transistors as mentioned
in other posts). The problem isn't 100% fixed because now the after-run
system doesn't run after the warm-up & wait 5 minutes test. I jumpered the
sensor and fan & pump work, so I assume the sensor is also bad.
It's going to a mechanic tomorrow for a new timing belt and water pump,
prior to going to its new owner. I guess it's getting a new sensor (since
the coolant's getting drained anyway).
BTW -- I rediscovered the joys of the Bentley wiring diagrams and their
errors. Eg, Vol 3, page 97.12 -- the rad fan/turbo pump is NOT behind the
kick panel, it's in the aux relay panel. Page 531, the #2 relay isn't the
seat belt control -- it's the fan/pump relay (thanks to SJM and Chris
Miller's sites for visual recognition purposes). Page 530 -- the back of the
fuse panel should be (or is on my car at least): K - Cooling fans, Black; L
- various colors; M - various colors; O - Ox sensor (penciled notes in
Bentley, info from old repair).
Slightly on topic -- just what are the correct fuses for the ECU? Bentley
page 529 says Fuse 24 = 10A and 27 = 5A. The owners manual page 129 says 24
= not used, 27 = 10A. The fuse box lid say 24 = 15A (drive slip control
sys) and 27 = 10A. And just where should the red "motor/moteur" fuse cap
be? 27 and 28, or 28 and 29 (where it was when I got it from the dealer --
nit-picky here). Mine have never blown and match the box lid, so I'm
leaving well enough alone.
While surfing, I found the Bentley publishing site. It has an Audi forum
that is partially moderated by Bentley editors. You can contact the tech
editors, also. I asked about an errata sheet for known errors in the
Bentley manuals, awaiting a reply.
Joe Yakubik
About to be Audi-less
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernie Benz [mailto:b.benz at]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 10:22 PM
To: Joseph Yakubik
Cc: 200q20V mailing list
Subject: Re: clicking radiator fan relay
Sounds like maybe you are not talking of a 200-20V, but of a CFI injection
system car. what are we dealing with here?
> From: "Joseph Yakubik" <JYakubik at>
> Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 21:23:25 -0500
> To: <200q20v at>
> Subject: clicking radiator fan relay
> Symptoms: rapidly cycling or clicking relay when the ignition is on
> (motor running or not) AND the A/C is off or ECON. The fan also spins
> very slowly when this happens, so it is getting power from the cycling
> relay. It didn't do this prior to my installing a new radiator fan
> yesterday.
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