3B distributor- metal gear

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Sep 17 12:53:06 EDT 2003

> From: "Tom Mullane" <tmullane at snet.net>
> Does anyone know if this is the same distributor and/or gear used on the 20v
> na engine?  Did the 20v na engine have the plastic gear too?  If so, I
> assume that the few metal gears floating around could also be used on the
> 20v 90's and Coupe Quattro's?
The gears are the same for all 20V distributor engines.  Of the 125 gears
produced for the group purchase, about half were sold to 89 chassis 20V
owners.  Although the distributors have different part numbers they are
interchangeable, BTDT, only the rotor having a narrower tip on the 3B than
that of the 7A.


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