OT Computer Problem-Minimal Audi Content

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Sep 19 13:38:56 EDT 2003

I've been receiving these multiple Microsoft Update messages with an
attachment (not viruses, according to my antivirus program), so I was in
the middle of moving a bunch of Audi image attachments from my mail
attachment file storage to an Audi CD (the minimal OT content) when the
computer did Gates and locked up.

After a reboot, the CD now is blank, according to the computer.  In other
words, I appear to have lost ALL the stuff I already had on that CD.  CD
won't open in the other computers we have either.  It's a rewriteable and
originally was set for rewriting, which renders it unreadable on other
computers anyway.  I can't believe the CD is wiped clean.

Anyone know how I can restore it or get whatever's on it onto another
useable CD?

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