Cleaning out the basement

TM t44tq at
Sat Sep 20 10:45:01 EDT 2003

Sorry, but I thought I'd give listers a chance to pick
this stuff up before it goes in the trash:

Downpipe for 5kt/200 from auto trans 5kt- not correct
for 5ktq, yours for the shipping cost.

Passenger side catalytic converter for '91 200q, will
fit V8 as well, possibly '92-97 UrS as well- best offer
plus shipping, 3k miles on this part, replaced with different
exhaust system.

Passenger side chrome trim piece on top of bumper, will fit
'86-90 5k/tq/100/200, yours for the shipping cost.

Driver's side rear taillight, $10 plus shipping.

North Jersey location.


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