violent bucking when reaching 1 bar boost( kinda long)

bill bleiler b_ill78 at
Thu Sep 25 06:29:09 EDT 2003

my car did the same thing,once it started it did it
all the time untill i let the car cool down and then
it would somtimes go away.... i replaced the 2 main
hoses with samco's and it didnt stop, MFTS, O2 sensor,
nothing fixed it, and the problem got worse, i could
hardly make any boost because the car will fall on its
face. finallly one day i pulled the small hose between
the throttle body and the upper intake hose that runs
parallel to the sparkplugs cover and sure enough it
had a long rip in it. must have opened under full
boost or something, this seemed to fix the problem,
but then a week later i was next to a friend of mine
in a stealth and was getting on it and all of a sudden
it cut out violently, it did this the rest of the way
to work, every time i got to aroud 15 psi or so it
would cut out...but i drove it home and it was fine
again and hasen't done it since..the only thing i can
think of is that when it did it, i had just gotten
into full boost 2 times in a row and then it acted it could be that when it is under boost for an
extended period and somthing gets hot, or heat
soaked.... im going to do a pressure test hopefully it
will turn out ok....seems like this is a fairly common
problem.  cant wait to figure out what it is...any


--- Eugene Kanter <eugene at> wrote:
> My car has developed similar behavior. Turning
> ignition key off for a
> second or two and then on when car is still running
> and in gear and
> problem goes away immediately: full boost with no
> bucking. I am really
> puzzled....
> Eugene.
> PS. The michellin man hose has been replaced
> recently - old was not
> leaking but showed its age.
> On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 19:17, Brett Dikeman wrote:
> > > hey guys, from the first day i had my 20v almost
> 2
> > > years ago from time to time under high boost it
> would
> > > violtenly buck once and when you let off and
> boosted
> > > it back up again it was fine.  this has happend
> more
> > > and more frequently, never knowing what it was i
> just
> > > figured it was a weird thing and would be
> somthing i
> > > would have to deal with.
> >
> > Absolutely not- the car should be very smooth.
> >
> > I can almost guarantee you have a boost leak.
> Remove and inspect the
> > michellin man hose for cracks, as it is the most
> common culprit.  If it's not
> > that hose, and all your clamps are
> will make life a thousand times
> > easier for yourself if you build a pressure tester
> and test the system:
> >
> >
> >
> > ...otherwise, there are a dozen plus places you
> could have a leak.
> >
> > Your O2 sensor is probably fried as well(leaks
> cause super-rich running), and
> > I'd fathom a guess that your catalytic converters
> didn't look too happy when
> > they came out.
> >
> > Brett
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