Rear Power window failure

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at
Sat Apr 10 20:12:26 EDT 2004

tried that as well, swapped switches from rear to drivers console and they 
worked front windows fine.  I'm gonna have to try Jobes' solution.  First I 
will try 12V direct to regulators to confirm his "frozen" diagnosis

>Simultaneous failure of only the rear windows would point to the rear
>windows lockout switch/circuit, but if so, the driver's rear window 
>would still work, so apparently this is not the problem.  The power window/
>sun roof control module is powered from a circuit breaker (in driver's foot
>well), not the problem if front windows and sun roof work.  So IMO, your
>problem may not have been a single cause, simultaneous failure and the most
>likely is several window switches, one in each rear window circuit.
>Bernie, thinking out loud.  Sorry, not much help.

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