re-calibrate the miles to empty

George Sidman sidman at
Mon Aug 2 11:23:01 EDT 2004

Pete:     This job takes a bit of fiddling, but is easy. 

Remove the trim stip across the bottom of the cluster. Three
small phillips screws underneath.
Under the gas guage is a small hole. The outer plastic sleeve
contols the needle position, and is turned with an allen wrench.
To set the miles to empty, you will need a long shaft jeweler's
screw driver (not a phillips). It goes down through the plastic
sleeve to a small pot on the cluster, and is very sensitive to

If yours is random, I would suspect the pot is dirty. By noting
the position it is in when you start, you may be able to rotate
it back and forth to clean the contacts, and then set it. I left
the trim strip off through a few tanks to get it where it read
50. When I had my cluster out I shot the pot with contact
cleaner, and have had no problems since.
George Sidman, President
Monterey Network Center, Inc.
sidman at
9701 Blue Larkspur Lane
Monterey, CA  93940
831 373-0145

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