Fuel gauge weirdness

Frank Stadmeyer stadmef at ntplx.net
Sun Aug 8 12:57:01 EDT 2004


On Aug 7, 2004, at 10:11 AM, Kneale Brownson wrote:

> You know how all the Audi fuel gauges take their time climbing up to
> indicate the amount of fuel in the tank?  Yesterday I watched something
> I've never seen before.  I started the car and saw the "E" warning
> flashing.  I knew I'd filled the tank the day before and only driven 
> about
> 80-100 miles, so the "E" really got my attention.  Especially since
> replacing the leaking fuel tank a month or so ago was such a PITA.
> Anyway, I kept watching the gauge and the warning sign as I headed 
> around
> the driveway loop, and I saw the "E" change to "20", indicating I was 
> 20
> miles away from "E".  By the time traffic had cleared so I could pull 
> out
> of the driveway, it read "30".  Then it quit flashing and the needle
> finally got up to near the 3/4 full mark.
> I had not parked the night before on my usual level spot, but rather 
> had
> parked with one front wheel up on an incline.  I wonder if that was the
> reason for this unusual reporting behavior.
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If it makes you feel any better, my '89 100q does that occasionally too!


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