Proper Tool to Drain Gearbox
Bernie Benz
b.benz at
Sun Aug 8 19:37:38 EDT 2004
Why drain the gear box?
> From: "The Corbs" <c.corbishley at>
> Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2004 18:22:36 -0400
> To: "Urq" <Urq at>, <200q20v at>
> Subject: Proper Tool to Drain Gearbox
> Looks like a 17mm allen key. Couldn't find one locally so tried to make a
> tool using bolt and nuts.
> Found that the plugs have been screwed in so tight that the nuts keep coming
> loose before the plug.
> Any tricks or source for the right tool?
> Thanks
> John Corbs
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