Brakes again
Derek Pulvino
dbpulvino at
Fri Aug 13 16:51:33 EDT 2004
I'll soak it with some penetrating oil and see what happens, but sounds
pretty easy.
As to bleeding/flushing, had it done a couple of years ago, but not a
regular maintenance item. With all the slugs around here, I wonder if I
could find some leeches too, maybe that'd be easier...
>Soak the carrier and pin in some Kroil for a day or two and it'll probably
>work free. Then clean out the carrier cavities with solvents until you
>have shiny metal. Same for the pin unless it's bent. Relube with the
>proper material. If the pin's bent, you're looking at a replacement
>carrier and pin (they only come as a set).
>Regarding bleeding the system: If you don't do that routinely, now would
>be a good time to start. I bleed mine with each seasonal change of tires.
>At 09:43 AM 8/13/2004 -0700, Derek Pulvino wrote:
> >
> >Ok, pulled off the caliper last night and as predicted, one of the guide
> >pins is sticking. All boots are fine, so no need to purchase
> >but anybody have any suggestions on how to remove frozen guide pins?
> >
> >I thought about turning it with a wrench to break it free, but the
> >scenario I pictured was turning to the breaking point. BTDT's?
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