
Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Aug 23 16:09:00 EDT 2004


I have an extra set of 200Q-20V rear calipers in good used shape, they spent
their previous life in Arizona (no salt, no rain, no snow), that I'd be
willing to part with.


> From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at>
> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 08:49:25 -0700
> To: 200q20v at
> Subject: after
> Ok, here's my learning from this glorious task which appartently is not over
> yet:
> - Even with having been soaked in penetrating oil for several days, it is
> still possible to twist a guide pin to it's demise.  Of course, when you
> have such Arnoldian strength as I, you should expect nothing less.
> - Due to the use of non-vented rotors on some t44's, the caliper guide is
> not necesarily transplantable even though the bolt centerlines are.
> - It's quite commone for the lower guide pin to freeze up, as both were in
> said condition at the time of my reconditioning, even with in tact boots.
> -Doing brakes in the rain is a wicked p.i.a., but sometimes the end
> justifies the means (like when you don't have a spare car anymore).
> And now my last question.  In Jeopordian fashion, I think the answer will be
> one of two things:
> - Your ebrake cables are binding; or
> - You need to refurbish the caliper.
> So what's my question?
> If you guessed "why are me brakes dragging," then you are correct.  Can
> anybody verify my thesis with btdt?
> Derek Pulvino
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