Car wash dammit

Paul Luevano paul at
Sat Dec 18 14:41:16 EST 2004

So, just ran my car through the car wash, get home, looking around the car
(I usually do a quick check at the car wash, but there was a line today),
and notice the repeater on the passengers side is gone.  Dammit.

Are these readily available at the dealer?  SJM?  Anyone have one kicking
around?  Since I need to replace, are there "smoke" versions available?

Thanks.  Leaving for Fla. in the am.,
Paul Luevano            |   AMA * MSF   |'99 CBR 600F4  (Racebike)   | USM * CCS #898|'97 CBR 1100XX (Streetbike)      
Waltham, MA USA         |  NMA #116657  |'91 200TQ20V   (Winter)
_____"The purpose of man is to live, not to exist."-Jack London_____

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