A part number please

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 24 16:52:15 EST 2004

Hi Bob and Merry Christmas

The pn # is 035-121-497-B this for the metal coolant return line at the 
bottom of the turbo.
I would think that depending where the leak is you could use a piece or 
rubber tubing to gap where the leak is as a temporary fix. With the heat 
down by the turbo I would think the metal is the preferred item.
Enjoy the holiday
Chuck Pierce
91 200tq Avant

Rbade12 at aol.com wrote:

>I've developed a leak in the coolant return line that runs from the bottom  
>of the turbo to the engine block. Could someone please give me that part number 
> and/or can that line be replaced with something else. The leak is in the 
>metal  portion where the rubber hose begins.
>Any repair options?
>Thanks! This damn cold weather[-4 this am]is causing issues with half our  
>fleet, and the German half at that [VW and Audi].
>Have a Happy Holiday all.
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