Bira Opinions

Dan Cordon cord4530 at
Fri Feb 6 11:14:13 EST 2004

Thanks for the reply. A few nights ago I was reading where you can buy 
euro A8 slotted rotors for what seemed like a really good deal (not much 
over $100....but the actual price I've forgotten). I suppose if one 
picked up a spare set of rotors that they would likely be set for some 
time to come.

I'm pretty sure I found that information on the bira site though. 
However, last night I couldn't seem to find it again.

Phil Rose wrote:

> At 11:51 PM -0800 2/5/04, Dan Cordon wrote:
>> While awaiting my bira membership I thought I'd ask those on the list 
>> their opinions of the bira systems. I have a 91 200 tq that has the 
>> S4 G60's installed. I guess I have the choice between systems 1, 2, 
>> and 3. I'm leaning more towards 2 or 3. With system 3 it seems like 
>> it will be harder to source euro A8 this the case? 
>> Finding 2000 S4 rotors has been pretty easy, with some (non-slotted 
>> versions) around $139 per pair.
> Your question happens to be one that's on my mind at the moment, as I 
> recently decided to participate in the Sys3 group purchase (use of 16" 
> wheels a motivating factor--no pun intended). I, too, wonder about 
> availability of the euro A8 rotors--at least in the long(er) term. 
> Would there be any demand for that rotor in the USA besides the 
> relatively small number of Sys3 owners? I suppose it'll always be 
> available on special order from Europe, and the prudent Sys3 owner 
> will (or should) have an extra set of rotors on hand. It would be nice 
> to know if there's a domestic vendor (or two) who is commited to 
> maintaining a reasonable supply of that rotor...
> Phil

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
University of Idaho

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