
Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Feb 6 20:29:26 EST 2004

When Audi introduced 11S, the instructions were that it could be mixed with
older stuff to top up an hydraulic system, but that the older stuff should
not be added to a system containing 11S.  General list consensus has been
that the main functional difference between the two is that the systhetic
has a greater operating temperature range, so the older stuff should not be
used in significantly cold regions.

At 03:26 PM 2/6/2004 -0500, Mark Trank wrote:
>I know this topic has been discussed extensively, but I wanted to poll you
>knowledgeable folks as to whether you can mix the mineral and synthetic
>versions of Pentosin.  I've got a leaking high-pressure hose that is being
>replaced.  I know that the label on each carries a prominent "Achtung!" and
>I've heard that mixing the two will turn the seals into mush.  However, my
>mechanic is telling me that there is no problem mixing the two.  Currently
>I'm running the synthetic (11S) version, but the shop only stocks the older
>kind.  Any advice?   TIA,
>mtrank at
>91 200q20v 110k miles
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