Euro Lights / Relays (last one, I promise

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at
Thu Feb 12 08:51:45 EST 2004

A "good deal of work" maybe, but not bad.  I'm not sure about PITA crawling 
all over the car.
I got my DMM, speced out all the appropriate connections, in my kitchen.  
Soldered up the 9004 pigtail connectors to my "internet" H4 harness and was 
done.  The only interaction with the car was the physical removal of the old 
lights and the installation of the new (not sure how to get around it).  
Maybe 5 extra minutes to jumper the marker lights to the new city lights.  
No real mucking about on the UrQ or the 200.

Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 21:04:28 -0800
From: "Jon Archibald" <urquattro at>
Subject: Euro Lights / Relays (last one, I promise)

My point was that IMHO, the biggest pain in the butt is crawling around the 
getting it all hooked up properly.  ...SNIP... I just wanted to make sure 
folks know buying the relays pre-wired still leaves a good deal of work to 
the purchaser.

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