Subframe bolt size

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Thu Feb 26 10:28:05 EST 2004

Would this mean that these bolts are replaced when you R&R the subframe?
Chuck Pierce
91 200tq 20v Avant

Ingo D. Rautenberg wrote:

>Should be PN 902 742 02    M12x1, 5x98x44 according to ETKA  Do NOT
>substitute with anything else. OE hardened pieces only (not the place to
>skimp).  Bolts right to the frame/body.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Patrick Anderson" <patrick.anderson1 at>
>To: "200q20v list" <200q20v at>
>Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:45 AM
>Subject: Subframe bolt size
>Any body know the size of the 4 subframe bolts?
>Do these bolts screw into a welded capture nut up in the frame or something?
>I assume it has to be since I can't see any way to get above where the bolt
>screws in.
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