Audi 200 Fan of the Year Award

Greg Johnson gregsj2 at
Fri Feb 27 00:41:23 EST 2004


With the power vested in me as a long-term 200q20v lister, I hereby nominate Gordy Schesel as the '91 200q20v Avant Fan of the Year Award for 2004 nominee for Q1, 2004. Can I get a second?  

Greg J

>I was hoping you had changed your mind and decided to hang on to your
>Avant.  ...I would not sell my '91 Avant for love nor money.  I'd put the
>wife out on the street corner begging before I would sell mine.  I also
>have a 91 100 which I also love.   I got my 200 Avant in October 1992 with
>97k miles.  I paid a premium because I wanted a 200 turbo quattro Avant
>sooo bad.  I could not see myself owning and driving anything else.

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