Lister sighting?

Peter Schulz pcschulz at
Fri Feb 27 09:19:45 EST 2004


That was me in my incredibly dirty, winter wheeled (ugly V8) Titan Grey Wagon.

Those "dim" headlights were my Euro headlights with only the city lights on...

Kim (de wife)'s Indigo is much cleaner ;-)

BTW, you drive a nice indigo wagon!
Richard Berlin down in Manchester MA also has a beautiful, pristine (as in 
showroom new) wagon


At 11:13 PM 2/26/2004, Steve Owen wrote:
>I've had my '91 200 Avant since November.  Today I saw another one on the
>road for the first time and was wondering if it was someone here...
>495 North near Chelmsford, MA around 5:30pm or so...
>It was funny.  We both rode beside each other for a bit checking each
>other's cars out.  The other funny thing is that the first thing I noticed
>was he came up behind me wasn't the grill on the car... It was the
>unbelievably dim headlights coming up behind me.  :-)
>I also saw and Audi 80 on the road today as well around Weston, MA.
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Peter Schulz
1990 CQ (perpetually awaiting S2 3b engine transplant)
1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
Chelmsford, MA USA
peter at  

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