Audi Fans improvement IMPLEMENTED

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Fri Feb 27 22:06:42 EST 2004

Mark:  THAT'S AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yelling intended.......
-Scott by BOSTON

mchang at writes:
> The easiest thing to do is for me to write a script that is a temporary 
> version of the audiworld pictureposter.
> You can upload small pictures to the AF server through a very simple 
> interface (one click). It gives you a URL, and blammo, that's it. You 
> refer to the URL in your post, and everyone can see it -- for 48 hours. 
> Then your stuff gets zapped.
> Yes, I'll be busy for some time, but I can do it no problem.

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