Replacing headlight bulbs...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Jan 3 06:17:02 EST 2004

The driver side headlight bucket is easy to work on once you remove the
"radiator shield thingy", Steve.  Be sure to put the carcboard ductiing
back in place.  It helps direct air through the radiator instead of around it.

At 06:56 AM 1/3/2004 +0000, steve at wrote:
>The right headlight bulb on my 1991 200q20v has burnt out. I have obtained
>a replacement bulb but am curious as to how the heck i get in there. The
>left one (facing the front of the car) is easy to access but the right one
>has the radiator directly behind it! I have not yet obtained the bentley
>manuals so if saomeone could walk me through step-by-step I would be very
>grateful. Do i remove the 'radiator shield' thingy on top or does the
>headlamp assembly pull out? Thanks in advance!
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