Separated Tire noise that isn't on a 200q20v.

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Wed Jan 14 09:22:27 EST 2004

Hello Tom
Here is the machine shop in Cal. that turns UFO's. $50 per turn around 
about a week

Modern Machine Company
1633 Old Bayshore Highway
San Jose, CA  95112-4305
1 (408) 436-7670
Attn: Ed
Hrs: 7:00 - 5:30 pt

91 200tq 20v Avant

Tom Werner wrote:

> I've got a slight vibration / noticeable noise coming from the front 
> of my 200q 20v that sounds like a tire with a separated belt. Got 4 
> new tires in hopes of clearing this up, but no luck.
> Sound kicks in at 5 mph, is speed dependent regardless of 
> acceleration, cruising or braking.  No CV grease slung under car.  
> Sounds like it is coming from the front driver side, but I realize 
> that it doesn't necessarly mean that's where the problem lays.  UFO's 
> could probably use a turning (if anyone has info on where to get that 
> done, let me know), but they don't cause significant shimmy while 
> stopping -- nothing that a few stops from 80 won't cure.
> Any ideas what to check?
> Thanks,
> -- Tom
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