Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 20 08:26:35 EST 2004

when used as per the directions, it has worked very well for me.  As others 
have said, follow directions, use gloves.  Paint any exposed sections,. 
place plastic wrap or equivalent on cover when done or you will never remove 
it! They offer several "starter kits. For about $20 you get the 3 step kit, 
including enough to cover a few square feet.
They offer a few "colors" and indeed they have different make ups.  I 
believe the silver actually has a metal content, the black not so etc.  You 
can see it all on their website.  www.por15.com

Message: 8
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 06:39:35 +0100
From: "Richard Tanimura" <richard at tanimuras.com>
Subject: POR15 - BTDT

I have asked about POR15 on this side of the Atlantic and get very little
BTDT. What's the verdict? Is it all they say it is on their website?


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