BIRA System 3 opinions?

Phil and Judy Rose pjrose at
Fri Jan 30 21:58:39 EST 2004

At 10:28 AM -0500 1/30/04, <auditude at> wrote:
>I think I'm gonna (join BIRA and) get in on the current group buy 
>for BIRA's System 3 for my 200q20v with G60's.

I guess I missed that--where's the info about the group buy? I didn't 
see anything (about it) on the BIRA site.

On a related note:
I've been told that the 16" urS4 wheels will clear the BIRA 3 brakes. 
Are there other 16" wheels that are known to work?

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at       * 

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