Poor warm restart idle
pronn at rock.com
pronn at rock.com
Fri Jul 2 14:09:19 EDT 2004
Call me ignorant, but I am not familiar with the acronym's that are used in the emails. Can someone tell me what they all mean? Also, I am seriously looking at a set of Yoko V4s or H4s for the BBS's, anyone with input? Oh, yeah- I would like to recommend the use of 0-40 European Mobile One syn., of course Colorado driving can be hot or cold at any time but this stuff works beautifully. Paul --Original Message-- From: Derek Pulvino<dbpulvino at hotmail.com> To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: Poor warm restart idle
I have had the same problem, the only thing I notice that you didn't mention
was that problem crops up when the car and the ambient temparature are both
warm. I don't have the same problem when the outside temp is cooler (like
less than 60-degrees). When the problem arises, the car will start but die,
however if I give it gas it will idle...let off the gas and it dies. This
idle problem goes away after several minutes of warm running.
I've had people suggest it's the coolant temp sensor (not to be confused
with the multi-function sensor). I lost my last voltmeter to the infernal
darkness recently and haven't bought new one...so I haven't checked the
resistance on this but it may be a good place to start.
This problem is not the same as the starting issues encountered when the
check valve on the fuel pump goes bad. In that situation the car won't
start with or without the gas pedal depressed until after turning the key
several times, giving the fuel pressure time to build up to operating
levels. I've actually been fortunate enough to deal/have dealt with both.
WRT ISV, as I'd mentioned before, I haven't tried cleaning this to see if
the problem goes away, but the reason I don't think it's the culprit is it
would seem idle issues would crop up when the car is warm or cold as the ISV
operates at all running temps. If I remember correctly, when I had this
problem on my VW (dirty ISV) the car wouldn't idle in cold or warm
Derek P
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 22:45:37 -0400
From: Kneale Brownson < ">knotnook at traverse.com> ;
Subject: Poor warm restart idle
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Message-ID: <4.1.20040701224341. ">00b32600 at traverse.com> ;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
My car starts and idles just fine when cold, but today a couple hot starts
resulted in no idle (engine died when accelerator left untouched). Would
keep running if I gave it some pedal and then would idle fine. Just
wouldn't idle unassisted at start-up. Sound familiar to anyone?
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