ISV Cleaning

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Jul 5 14:31:48 EDT 2004

> From: Brice2004 at (Brice Warnick)
> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 12:56:31 -0500
> To: b.benz at (Bernie Benz)
> Subject: Re: ISV Cleaning
> Bernie,
> I thought that you would find this post on AudiWorld amusing.
> This guy finally uplugged his ISV as he had to clean it so
> often. He has listed as installed in his V8 a K&N.
That guy has a '88 5K not a V8.  I don't remember what the 5K CSIs used for
ISVs, or was it just a throttle body cold start injector?


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