Turbo afterrun pump leaks

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 6 19:29:39 EDT 2004

Thanks Phil & Kneale
I will get one from Scott as I use him as a resource for a lot of my 
uninformed questions and as a former small business person I appreciate 
those how have wisdom that helps.
I found a 3/4 barbed coupler at the hardware store, for my temp. fix ( 
Yes Kneale 3/4 does work, thanks).
The beast is back on the road, I will just slow down a bit before 
shutting off the car when out.

Thanks Guys
Chuck Pierce
91 200 tq 20v Avant

Phil Rose wrote:

> At 6:26 PM -0700 7/5/04, Chuck Pierce wrote:
>> Who would have a good price on this gem of a part?
> Surely Scott Mockry and/or Rod (The Parts Connection) deserve a try, 
> don't they?
> I paid $109 for the aux. pump (TPC). One day I'll get around to 
> installing it.
> Phil

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