200 oil burning

pronn at rock.com pronn at rock.com
Mon Jul 19 10:35:24 EDT 2004

Hi Greg, This may not be of any help but, I run only Mobile One synthetic (I use 0-w40 European Formula). It produces smoke with much less visiblity, not to mention it offers better wear protection. I have 180K miles on mine, runs very well. My question is, if the rings are replaced and the valves re-worked to establish original compression, will performance improve (maybe 217hp + my stainless exhaust and K&N a.f.)?  Paul --Original Message-- From: Watts<kyle at sopris.net> To: <200q20v at audifans.com> 
Subject: 91 tq wagon smoking 
  Hello all, 

I have not been able to get the car into the mechanic for any 
compression or leak down tests, but I have done some rudimentary 
investigations as follows: 
Cleaned a dirty k&n air cleaner 
Let it sit overnight, then checked the tops of the pistons which were 
dry, no oil, as were the plugs 
Took the hose off the turbo, no or negligible shaft play in the RS turbo 
(40k miles since new). I have not had the time to pull the down pipe to 
check the other side. 
The major smoking occurs between 2500 and 4500 rpms, even when the car 
is stationary. Put it at 2800 rpm's in the driveway and within 10 
seconds it is putting out blue smoke, let it idle and I can barely 
notice some intermittent smoke. The head was rebuilt with custom (not 
audi) valve guides from 2bennett (37k miles ago). 
Is it possible that the turbo could be the problem even if it smokes in 
my driveway? I am mystified, this car runs perfect in every way (except 
the smoke) has incredible boost to 6500 rpm's and above. Any additional 
help/comments would be greatly appreciated. 
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