Poor warm restart idle

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 11:38:36 EDT 2004

GM Top Engine Cleaner

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 04:58:13 -0700, Steve Scalmanini
<sscalmanini at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Last week I was able to ask the chief mechanic at the VW/BMW
> dealer in Santa Rosa, CA about this problem.  Turns out he
> drives one of our 200q20v's also (although he's been trying
> to sell it without luck.)
> Anyway, his explaination for the hot restart & die problem
> was deposits on the intake valves.  The hotter the weather,
> the more fuel they absorb upon startup, fuel that would
> otherwise keep the engine running.
> He replaced his ISV once to try to solve the problem and
> got no improvement.
> The long-term solution to the problem is unfortunately not
> practical for our cars.  Some of you will recall from the
> mid-late 80's a service procedure for the 5-cyl 10-valve
> engines that blasted the back sides of the intake valves
> with walnut shells or some such material to remove the
> deposits.  Apparently our 20-valve heads are not conducive
> to that procedure and the valves (and head) must be removed
> to clean them.
> He recommended a few tanks with Techron or equivalent between
> oil changes, or one other more serious (concentrated?)
> treatment that he knew of but I forgot.  If anyone wants to
> know more I'll ask again when I'm there for parts later this
> week.
> Any opinions on the credibility of his claims?
> Steve
> Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
> Thu Jul 1 22:44:07 EDT 2004
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My car starts and idles just fine when cold, but today a couple hot starts
> resulted in no idle (engine died when accelerator left untouched).  Would
> keep running if I gave it some pedal and then would idle fine.  Just
> wouldn't idle unassisted at start-up.  Sound familiar to anyone?
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