ADMIN: list etiquette

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Sun Jul 25 23:14:49 EDT 2004

Brett:  Appreciate all you do, but I respectfully DISAGREE with SOME forms of 
Changing the subject line..........
We've been through this before.

Simply put, doing a google search for info by Subject won't get one all the 
relevant info. Especially when the thread gets hijacked and the replies no 
longer match the original Subject line.

Trust me, I know people like to follow the thread by subject line when they 
read them, so:  As a compromise, I'll include the orig Subject line after the 
new topic in the Subject line, example:  17" Wheels WAS Steering 

-Scott by BOSTON

> From: Brett Dikeman <>
> List etiquette is in the toilet again.  Last warning for all.
> c)Do NOT change the subject line.  I don't care if you think it's a 
> good idea to change it, I don't care if you think you know better, 
> etc.

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