Timing belt-update

Steven Hauptmann hauptmanns at llr.sc.gov
Tue Jul 27 09:37:07 EDT 2004

Congrats on your t-belt job!
<<1] Replacing the thermostat, how the "bleep" is one supposed to access
that  little beauty..  particularly if you don't have the entire front end
off  the car?..did it, but took a long time!>>
I went through the same aggravation when I changed my t-stat the first time.

After learning how easy it is to remove the p/s pump, I now remove it to
facilitate changing the t-stat.  
I keep some new o-rings handy in case I need to replace one on reassembly
and I can also check and/or replace the inaccessible short coolant hose at
that time as well. 

Steve Hauptmann
South Carolina

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Rbade12 at aol.com [mailto:Rbade12 at aol.com] 
Sent:	Friday, July 23, 2004 8:48 PM
To:	200q20v at audifans.com
Subject:	Timing belt-update

Good evening,
 Pretty good day. With the help of the Avant Boys things went,  generally, 
Bad things:
1] Replacing the thermostat, how the "bleep" is one supposed to access that

little beauty..  particularly if you don't have the entire front end off
car?..did it, but took a long time!
2] Those damn allen head screws [ the one with the H2O pump and the  
passenger side lower timing belt cover]. Stripped the innards out [I was
careful], took quite a while to drive a larger allen and get those suckers
3] The tool Blau provided to remove the front crank seal is the tool
says is the rear crank seal tool.....so, I screwed around with that for  way

longer then needed. Blau actually sent a piece along with the tool saying  
"use this"........instead of the proper tool. Did not damage the crank
away at it!!
Good things:
1] Most fasteners came off very easily, and I'm air challenged, [this  is a 
92k 200q20v, Maryland car, never been opened up]. 
2] Timing marks were easy to see and all my timing worry was needless  
[however, checked things many, many, many  times]
3] I won a free Dr Pepper from the bottle I drank while doing  this!!!!!
4] Audi engineering is to be admired...they seem to think things  through!
That's it, in my world of car fixin', to not be bleeding profusely and/or  
have to replace some expensive component 'cause I f'ed something up, it's a
Polishing off the first of......uh, two malty treats
Thanks for your help gentlemen, I was much stronger today because of it!!!
was the Lance Armstrong of car fixin'!!!!
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