Subject: Re: Aqua-Phobic Audi (3)

Dr. Adam Gratz dradamgratz at
Wed Jul 28 20:49:58 EDT 2004


My 5000 TQ was leaking from around the fuse block!!! You can loosen the
screws holding it to the firewall and lay in some calk. I went nuts for 2
months trying to find a source, and that was the one. Was having the same
symptoms as you, wet drivers matt. Also worse when I parked downhill.

Dr. Gratz
'91 200 20v Avant

Message: 10
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 14:46:02 -0400
From: "Andy Schor" <walbum at>
Subject: Re: Aqua-Phobic Audi (3)
To: "Kneale Brownson" <knotnook at>, 200q20v at
Message-ID: <410-22004722718462546 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

I cleaned the HVAC drain out a few weeks ago.  That was when I first 
discovered the footwell was wet, and C.E.L. would stay on while the 
car was running.  The codes have been cleared and there is now plastic 
covering the ECU and connector.  

Sunday night I parked facing downhill, it rained hard and the floor got wet.
Last night I parked facing uphill and the floor stayed dry.  Yes it
rained heavily here in Pittsburgh two nights in a row.  Anyway, the 
recirc flap sounds like a good place to start.

Andy Schor
'91 200q20v Avant

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